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Academic Clubs


Four CUI ASL members sign I Love CUI

President: Maddie Durkin
Faculty Advisor: Cari Chittick

ASL CUI seeks to educate undergraduate students about American Sign Language and the Deaf community, engage in active communication, and cultivate meaningful experiences and relationships between peers and the Deaf community.

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Behavioral Science Club

President: Elliana Garrett
Faculty Advisor: Kristen Koenig

The Behavioral Science Club observes God’s creation through the lenses of psychology, sociology, 和人类学,以便更好地了解我们的邻居.

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Lambda Pi Eta


President: Jenna Hoffman
Faculty Advisor: David Schulz

Lambda Pi Eta 全国通信协会荣誉协会是什么

Lambda Pi Eta有六个主要目标:

  1. Recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in Communication Studies
  2. 激发对传播领域的兴趣
  3. 促进和鼓励传媒专业学生的专业发展
  4. Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of Communication
  5. 建立和维护教师和学生之间更密切的关系
  6. 探索传播学研究生教育的选择

For eligibility into the honor society, students must complete at least 60 credit hours with 12 credit hours in communication studies courses. 学生还必须有最低的累积GPA为3.传播学的平均成绩不低于3分.25.

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President: Payton Bouwhuis
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sean Bignami

The purpose of Beta-Beta-Beta Biological Honor Society shall be to function as an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences. 其活动应旨在激发兴趣, scholarly attainment, 以及生物科学的研究, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences.

Find out more about TriBeta Biological Honors Society.

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PresidentOlivia Highstreet
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Erin Nelson

COMM-unity connects peers, faculty, and industry professionals to enhance communication skills through learning, service, and leadership.

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Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi

President: Christiana Patton
Faculty Advisor: Kit Nagel

Delta Sigma Pi是美国的一个专业兄弟会 School of Business and Economics organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture, 以及社区的公民和商业福利.

Rho Phi was founded April 21, 2012, and is part of Delta Sigma Pi, a world renowned co-ed Fraternity. 在过去的100年里,鼓励, supported, and shaped the professional goals and personal aspirations of thousands of members across the country. The fraternity seeks to shape young students into young professional men and women.

Find out more about Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity.

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President: Michelle Lourenco
Faculty Advisor: Tammie Burkhart

创行是一个全球性的组织,730 universities and 72,000 students committed to helping less fortunate people in the developing world through entrepreneurship activities. 康考迪亚创行俱乐部有8名学生,他们都很强壮,还在成长.

Our club project is to support aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines and soon in Costa Rica. 我们的团队分析志向者的商业计划, 向最终竞争者提供小额贷款, and coach the recipients of the loans. In May a group of our students travels to the Philippines to meet the aspiring entrepreneurs, teach new candidates and experience the culture and business environment of the Philippines. In doing so, students have the opportunity to help people around the world while developing skills that the workplace values. The Enactus team is featured in the Summer 2018 CUI Magazine.

The Enactus Club is affiliated with the School of Business and Economics.

Find out more about Enactus.

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EPiCS Club

EPiCS Club

President: Fatima Nava
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Julie Melberg

EPiCS俱乐部的使命是培养对数学的热情, Computer Science, 和工程在校园和更广泛的社区, while also serving as a supportive community for students who share an interest in these subjects.

Find out more about EPiCS Club.

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International Business Club

President: Maria Sartin
Faculty Advisor: Kit Nagel

IBC is committed to providing tomorrow's business leaders with basic exposure and knowledge of foreign markets and business practices. 在这个日益缩小的世界里,我们努力追求道德和诚实的行为, in hopes that we can better learn from and respect our brothers and sisters in Christ.

国际商务俱乐部隶属于 School of Business and Economics.

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Omicron Delta Kappa

President: Ella Hachee
Faculty Advisor: Michael Bergler

Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK)是全国领导荣誉学会, recognizing juniors and seniors for their leadership on and off campus in a variety of fields, including:

  • Scholarship
  • Athletics
  • Campus/Community Service, Social/Religious Activities and Campus Government
  • Journalism, Speech and the Mass Media
  • Creative and Performing Arts

Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who are in the top 35% of their class academically will receive an invitation to apply for membership in late October via email. 明年1月,他们会选出新成员.

Members are then eligible to apply for scholarships for graduate school and other leadership awards, 以及参加区域和国家领导会议.

As a campus organization, ODK促进社区服务和领导活动在校内外, often co-sponsoring with other groups.

Find out more about Omicron Delta Kappa.

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Phi Delta Epsilon

President: Andy Kapoor
Faculty Advisor: Scott Gaines

Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity creates physicians of integrity with a lifelong commitment to our guiding principles of philanthropy, deity and education through fellowship, service, 指导和正式的领导培训, science and ethics.

Find out more about Phi Delta Epsilon.

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Phi Epsilon Kappa

President: Sarah Quinlan
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Vance Tammen

欢迎来到康考迪亚大学的Phi Epsilon Kappa. The purpose of the club is to provide future health care professionals exposure and education in all fields of sports medicine. We strive to prepare future physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, and athletic trainers with the ability to evaluate and rehabilitate athletic injuries. The students are encouraged to attend workshops and discussions lead by sport medicine professionals.

会员资格对所有康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学生开放. 所有体育训练学生都必须成为会员. If you are interested in joining Phi Epsilon Kappa please contact any of the leaders!!

Find out more about Phi Epsilon Kappa.

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Sports Business Club

President: Mark Francis

The Sports Business Club strives to focus on preparing the future generation of leaders in the sports business. We seek to cultivate an environment for the campus community that offers a positive involvement with the sports industry.

体育商业俱乐部隶属于我们的 Sports Business Major (School of Business and Economics).

Find out more about Sports Business Club.

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Women in Business

President: Claire Oppedahl
Faculty Advisor: Kellie Playter

Women in Business is a student-run network that strives to enhance the professional and academic experience of collegiate women. 我们通过专业发展来增强会员的能力, networking opportunities, alumni connections, skill workshops, and community engagement. Our goal is to develop a community of women with the skills and confidence necessary to succeed in the business world and life.

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Cultural and Social Clubs

Black Student Union

President: Jayla Powell
Faculty Advisor: Amanda Norris

Black Student Union strives to promote cultural diversity and development through its celebration of all students at Concordia University Irvine. Through community service, academics, 北京外国语大学旨在丰富学生的生活, faculty, and the campus community at large.

Find out more about Black Student Union.

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Ka Pu’uhonua

President: Isabella Johnson
Faculty Advisor: Megan Bouslaugh

Ka Pu 'uhonua是夏威夷语,意思是“避难所”.” It was chosen because of our mission to provide a safe space and family aspect for CUI’s Pacific Islander students and beyond. Concordia Irvine has a fairly large number of students from Hawai’i and our aim is to share all aspects of our beautiful Hawaiian culture with the rest of the students and faculty here, through food, language, and educational activities.

Find out more about Ka Pu’uhonua.

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Nuestra Voz

President: Axel Aguilar
Faculty Advisor: Gio Brito

Nuestra Voz wishes to represent the unique cultures and perspectives of Latino, Hispanic, 康考迪亚大学欧文校区的墨西哥裔美国人和土著学生, to educate the campus and students about these unique cultures and perspectives, and to engage the campus community as a whole on issues relevant to us civically and culturally.

Find out more about Nuestra Voz.

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Step One

President: Axel Aguilar
Staff Advisor: Gerry Duran

Our Priority as the Step One club is to befriend and support first generation students, 以及其他想要建立持久关系的人, 与康考迪亚的同学建立有意义的友谊. We also encourage learning more about opportunities educationally and around campus and Orange County, and to be educated on important subjects of life while growing and connecting with their peer. In a nutshell, Step One will be dedicated toward helping students feel at home in Irvine and Concordia.

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Student Veteran Alliance

President: Haley Moses

Advisor: Anna Bidondo

Aliis Opera: "service to others" is our motto that encompasses the command of God to love our neighbors. As Veteran Associated Students, our service to our country unites us, service to God guides us, 为社区服务是我们的使命. 
我们的共同目标是弥合退伍军人之间的文化差异, dependents, and non-military students. 

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Recreational Clubs

CU Judo

President: Javier Raya
Faculty Advisor: Nathan Meier

Seeking to help individuals develop moral character and discipline as part of CUI’s mission to produce wise, honorable, and cultivated students: CUI Judo team seeks to train our mind and body through the practice of Judo in ourselves and in our community following two main maxims: maximum efficiency with minimum effort, mutual welfare and benefit.

Find out more about CU Judo.

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CUI Nomads


President: Daelynn Lopez
Faculty Advisor: Michael Ottenad

CUI Nomads是康科迪亚的户外娱乐俱乐部! From backpacking, to rock climbing, the Nomads seak to increase campus community by encouraging the student body to explore the outdoors.

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Disc Golf Club

President: Brody Rezen
Faculty Advisor: Michael Ottenad

The CUI Disc Golf Club promotes the sport of disc golf by providing organized play for all students. 我们的目标是建立校园社区, practice good etiquette and display Christian values in the sport of disc golf. 俱乐部欢迎所有的技术水平,并专注于乐趣.

Find out more about the CUI Disc Golf Course.

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eSports - Eagles Gaming Association

President: Matthew Simon

Faculty Advisor: Michael Ottenad

To promote esports, board games, 把电子游戏作为一种爱好,通过竞争和愉快的休闲游戏. For friends and students to come together and play a variety of video games, regardless of skill level. The goal is to build friendship, promote good sportsmanship and teamwork, 代表康考迪亚大学参加比赛, 并为会员提供一个放松的地方, have fun, and get away from stress. 同时保持基督教的价值观(例如. Integrity, kindness, leadership, and compassion, humility, loyalty, faith, and moderation).

Find out more about eSports - Eagles Gaming Association.

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Surf Club

President: Kylie Dunkleberger
Faculty Advisor: Michael Ottenad

去爱和欣赏海洋,以及它给我们的大好机会. 海洋和冲浪给了每一个军官, much love and opportunity in life. This club strives to be able to show students God's great affections towards members through the power of the ocean.

Find out more about Surf Club.

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Ultimate Frisbee Club

President: Lanis Webb
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Christian Hauser

Mission Statement: To promote the sport of Ultimate Frisbee through competitive and enjoyable games. It's an opportunity for friends and students to get together and play Frisbee, regardless of skill level. Our goal is to build friendships, promote good sportsmanship, build character, grow in athletic skill, and offer a means to get away from school and homework; relieve stress; hold a higher standard of Christian living during the course of play (such as modesty and kindness of words and actions).

Find out more about Ultimate Frisbee Club.

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Student Groups

Clearlight – Concordia’s Yearbook

Carrie Donohoe, Faculty Advisor

The Clearlight 是康考迪亚大学的学生年鉴吗. The yearbook is published in April and is available for pick up the last week of classes in the spring semester. Through the use of journalistic, technologic, and life/workplace skills, 学生发展为批判性思考者和沟通者. Each year, the editor and the staff work to produce a book that tells a story in a unified and compelling way.

Join our Staff now – we are looking for photographers, writers and layout designers.

Find out more about Clearlight - Concordia's Yearbook.

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Concordia Courier

The Concordia Courier 康考迪亚大学的校报是什么. Published approximately every two weeks, it includes news articles, 大学社区感兴趣的专题故事和观点文章.

Find out more about Concordia Courier.

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CUI Bono

The goal of CUI Bono is to promote deeper thinking about the ultimate questions that arise from lectures, texts, 以及课堂内外的对话. Students of all levels intermix and interact with faculty members from an array of departments.

Find out more about CUI Bono.

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President: Madison Zuniga
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Scott Stiegemeyer

As representatives of Christ who made all human life with inherent and eternal value, Eagles4Life旨在通过教育为生命服务, service, and outreach. 与全国Y4Life组织合作, club members affirm the value of human life through both on-campus involvement and collaboration with other life-oriented groups. 我们提供多样化的志愿者机会, and our relationship with Y4Life allows our members to attend national retreats and conferences.

Find out more about Eagles4Life.

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Konrad Hack, Director of Forensics

Since its founding in 2007, Concordia’s forensics team has become the premier full-service forensics team in the western United States. Our full-service forensics squad consistently places in the top 10 rankings nationwide in speech and debate events. Our talented coaching staff ensures you will receive one-on-one attention while thriving among your peers. While we love winning trophies, 我们最关心的是教我们的学生变得聪明, honorable, 并培养了毕业后的公民.

Find out more about Forensics.

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Music Ensembles

CUI Music Department Performance Groups

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Student Leadership

abbey west

abbey west is a movement of students on the campus of Concordia University Irvine who want to shed worn-out perceptions of what Christianity is all about. 再次回到耶稣的教诲, 我们的使命很简单,就是培养新一代的门徒.

Find out more about abbey west.

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ASCUI Senate

The Concordia University - Irvine Board of Regents and the faculty are committed to including students within the policy-making functions of the University. ASCUI Senate 学生是决策活动的主要声音吗. The Senate is comprised of elected representatives from residence halls and commuter students, 在学生会副主席的领导下工作. The Senate also provides a communication link between students and student leadership.

Find out more about ASCUI Senate.

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International Student Ambassadors (ISA)

国际学生大使(isa) are a team of globally engaged local or international student volunteers who are positioned to help new international students feel welcome and supported at Concordia. As a student leadership position, the ISA role can strengthen resumes, serve as a foundation for requesting references from International Center staff, 并为未来的机会做准备.

Find out more about ISAs.

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The goal of 领导、教育和发展(LEAD) Program focuses on the social integration of our students within the Concordia community. LEAD recognizes the value of student involvement on campus and its impact on a student’s overall college experience. 住在学生领导中心 & Development (CSLD), the LEAD Program plans and offers enriching experiences for the student body to participate in either on-campus or around the Orange County community. 学生们反过来也会培养彼此之间的关系, invest in the University, 加强他们的自我意识.

Find out more about LEAD.

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Peer Advising Leaders (PALs)

PALs 在SOAR期间担任CUI一线学生大使, 春季方向和INT 100:基础.

Find out more about PALs.

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The Residential Education and Services department at Concordia University works within the mission of the university to meet the many needs of students living in our Residence Halls. We empower students to make the most of their educational experiences by supporting them and offering opportunities to engage in learning, service, and leadership.

Find out more about RES.

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